Shen & Microarray Homepage
Array of hope | Overview of microarray technology | Making and reading microarrays | Applications | Commercial sources | Favorite Links to the world of microarrays | Contact Me

Welcome to the world of "Microarrays + Gene Chips"!

Here you'll learn all about Microarray/Gene Chip: the concept, the principle, the procedure of using microarray. What is more, I've even included the link to my favorite microarray web sites.

On this home page, the "doorway" to microarray, I'll try to show you what is microarray? I might put some pictures and references to explain it. What is more, I will summary the commercial and public sources for using the microarray. Then you can start the microarrar analysis in your daily research.

Please sign my guestbook with any comments or reactions you have to my site. You can also contact me privately. I love to get mail!

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